Is a Career in Insurance for you?
Jen Buch and Jared Martinelli
Find out what is great about the industry and learn about Jared’s personal journey to BCF.
Values: Actual cost verses Replacement cost
Drew Gibbel, Risk Advisor
Learn the difference between actual vs replacement cost to decide what is best for you before a claim.
Using EFT for your insurance payments
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Advisor
Brad talks about healthcare data in the US and how it effects employers
Don’t risk a lot for a little
Jen Buch, Director of Administration
Folks want to reduce coverages when premiums go up. Find the best and right strategy for you.
Replacement parts on your vehicle- New or Used?
Evan Becker, Business Client Advisor
Learn why you would need an endorsement to ensure new vehicle parts with an auto claim.
Core Value Update
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
Jared talked about how we have changed our Core Values in 2023, what they are, and what they mean to us.
Do you know what’s in your home?
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
In the event of a total loss in your home, would you know everything that needs to be replaces? Jared tells you about an app that can help.
Uninsured and Underinsured
Drew Gibbel, Risk Advisor
Have Drew help you make an informed decision on these coverages for your vehicle insurance.
Motorcycle safety: What To Consider
Hear from our own cyclist, Kay, on how to stay safe during riding season!
Limited vs. Full Tort, what’s the difference?
Knowing the difference helps you make a decision that’s best for you and your loved ones.
Flood or earthquake, are you covered?
Trent Hess, Business Insurance Professional
Find out how to purchase this insurance if you have concerns for these risks.
Recent record court judgements in our industry.
Brad Forney, President
Find out how judgments affect our industry and your premiums.
Personal insurance premiums are rising.
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
Find out how you can purchase this valuable coverage a great rate.
Homeowners: do you have utility line coverage?
Drew Gibbel, Risk Manager
Find out how you can purchase this valuable coverage a great rate.
Factors that WILL reduce your home and auto premiums.
Drew Gibbel, Personal Risk Manager
Insurance policies are not one-size-fits-all. Why pay for an X-large when all you need is a regular?
Are your gifts covered?
Jen Buch, Director of Administration
You may not know it, but not all Christmas gifts are included in your Homeowners policy.
Inflation Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Save Money?
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
As your life changes, so do your insurance risks—and those changes can save you money! If you haven’t reviewed your insurance policies lately, you may be overspending.
What Everyone Needs to Know About ID Shield
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
Identity theft is so common that it’s become a matter of when, not if. Join Jared Martinelli for two minutes that could protect you from disaster.
Homeowner’s Policy DOES NOT Include Flood Protection
Drew Gibbel, Personal Risk Manager
If you’re located in a flood zone you probably already have flood insurance. If you don’t live in a flood zone you may be surprised what’s NOT covered if your basement gets wet.
Safety Practices at Work Will Save You Money
Trent Hess, Business Insurance Professional
Forming a Certified Safety Committee can save you 5% on Workers’ Comp premiums. Sounds good, right? Well . . . maybe.
Keys to Keeping Auto Insurance ‘Road Ready’
Drew Gibbel, Personal Risk Manager
Auto insurance isn’t the “set it and forget it” coverage it SEEMS to be. Drew Gibbel explains some easy maintenance tips to make sure your coverage is there when you need it.
Advantage of Antique Auto Policies
Drew Gibbel, Personal Risk Manager
If you have a classic or antique vehicle that’s going up in value and doesn’t see many miles each year, you want to ask us about an Agreed Value policy for that cool classic!
Additional Insurance Considerations for College-aged Kids
Jen Buch, Director of Administration
To follow up on my previous video, I wanted to review how an Auto Insurance policy changes for kids going to college. Also, be sure to check on a few things in your Health Insurance policy and warn your kids about ID theft!
Do I need a Renter’s policy for my kids at college?
Jen Buch, Director of Administration
In this video, I discuss the Homeowners’ policy implications of having a child moving away to college. Whether they’re just starting college, or they’ve been there for a few years, be sure to listen. So many people are confused about this!
The benefit of Replacement Cost
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
Watch this video to see how Replacement Costs on your Auto Insurance policy can benefit you in an accident.
Actual Cash Value vs. Replacement Cost
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
This video illustrates what would happen if you had a major loss to your home with Actual Cash Value loss settlement versus Replacement Cost. The difference can be dramatic.
Disaster planning tips for your household.
Jen Buch, Director of Administration
It’s unpleasant to consider, but having a plan of action if disaster strikes is as important for your family as it is for your business.
The thought behind our 30-second commercial.
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
In this video, I talk about how we struggled to quickly describe the hard work BCF Group does to protect and educate our clients. At the end, I give our 30-second commercial, which hits all our major points of impact.
Why don’t more of us have life insurance?
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
Many of your peers don’t have any or enough life insurance. In this video, we discuss some of the obstacles, real and imagined, that block people from getting this important protection.
Not at fault? File a claim with your auto insurance carrier.
Trent Hess, Business Insurance Professional
In this video, we discuss reasons why you should file a claim with YOUR auto insurance carrier, even if you don’t think you’re at fault.
The best time to get Life Insurance.
Jared Martinelli, Business Risk Manager
The best time to buy life insurance is right now. This may seem like a cliché, but in this video I explain why it’s the absolute truth.
State minimum auto insurance is not enough.
Drew Gibbel, Personal Risk Manager
In this video, we discuss how low State Minimum insurance is and why we don’t recommend this type of coverage.
Comprehensive vs. Collision: what you need to know.
Drew Gibbel, Personal Risk Manager
Here’s my number-one tip for lowering your auto insurance premium when adding a child to your policy!
Accident not your fault?
Trent Hess, Business Insurance Professional
Here are my tips for what to do when you’re in an auto accident. Hint: Objective documentation is key!
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