Employee BenefitsInsurance Healthcare Done Differently—Carve Out Pharmacy Benefit Manager For those who are new to our “Healthcare Done Differently” blog series, welcome. We are happy you’re here and hope…BCF GroupJanuary 10, 2024
Employee BenefitsInsurance Healthcare Done Differently—Optimize Your Health Plan Infrastructure For those who are new to our “Healthcare Done Differently” blog series, welcome. We are happy you’re here and hope…BCF GroupOctober 4, 2023
Employee BenefitsInsurance Healthcare Done Differently For most employers, the decision to build high-performance health plans almost always starts with a fundamental mindset shift of questioning…BCF GroupJune 28, 2023
Business Insurance The strongest link in your chain may be the weakest. Can you think of a business that has more risk associated with losing a key employee than a business in…BCF GroupMay 1, 2023
Employee Benefits The future of healthcare is LOCAL As a Health Rosetta advisory firm, BCF Group has adopted the “road less traveled” approach to healthcare consulting. Health Rosetta…BCF GroupMarch 29, 2023
Employee BenefitsInsurance High-Performance Health Plans Explained Year after year you move your health plan benefits from one carrier to another—only to find yourself ready to recycle…BCF GroupApril 25, 2022
Employee BenefitsInsurance PBM Carve Out—Why It’s So Important Escalating drug prices are one of the leading causes of out-of-control healthcare costs. Today, it is possible for a $1M…BCF GroupSeptember 22, 2021
Employee BenefitsInsurance An Rx Playbook—Cheaper Drugs Same Quality Why does Humira cost over 5x more in the U.S. than it does in other developed countries? Industry experts cite…BCF GroupAugust 25, 2021
Employee BenefitsInsurance Direct Primary Care (DPC)—Optimize Care and Cost Direct Primary Care, or DPC, is a “not so new” way of receiving excellent primary care. In the era of…BCF GroupAugust 18, 2021
Employee BenefitsInsurance Carrier ASO—May Not Go Far Enough Hands down, self-funding is the most efficient financing mechanism for funding employee healthcare benefits. Compared to fully insured plans, a…BCF GroupAugust 4, 2021